The HiBlog

HR tech innovation highlights pay equity with a climber symbolizing progress over a stylized canyon view. , HRtech, PayEquity

HR tech: The key to achieving pay equity

HR leaders have the power to clarify the difference between pay equity and transparency for the C-suite and win their support.

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track roi of benefits including sick days, parental leave, childcare and food subsidies on pink background, benefits illustration and text

Employee benefits: How to get the most out of your compensation packages

Some benefits might look great on paper, but your people might not need or use…

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this-year-top-hr-trends, colorful-illustration-keyhole-paper-airplanes

Global HR trends for 2024: Acing influential HR

These seven pivotal trends that are set to define influential HR practices in 2024.

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top employee experience metrics, bold text on orange background

9 key metrics to measure your employee experience

Employee experience metrics and KPIs show how good—or bad—the employee experience is within your organization.

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historical figure holding money with thought-provoking text on merit, colorful illustration with engaging text on merit debate

To give, or not to give? Navigating the merit pay dilemma.

To better understand how to approach merit increases or freezes, it’s worth looking at some…

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championing digital employee experience, orange background with trophy icon

Decoding digital employee experience: Strategies and solutions

Create a digital experience that engages your people and helps them perform at their best.

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support career growth with pathing, bright orange background with bold white text and a small flag icon

Navigating strategic career pathing for dynamic employee growth

Career pathing creates a roadmap for your people to fulfill their career aspirations.

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The 5 kinds of HRIS, Illustration of a hand symbol; bold typography on a light background.

Types of HRIS systems

Here is an overview of the five types of HRIS software and what kinds of…

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HR manager interview questions on an orange background feature bold, white text with a question mark symbol. , HRinterview, boldtext

30 interview questions for an HR manager position

Recruiting the right candidate for a job can be challenging, especially when the open position…

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HR department structures with bold text on a deep red background, featuring a puzzle piece graphic., HR department structures, visual representation of HR roles

Everything you need to know about HR department structures

The structure of the HR department and how well it functions directly impact the entire…

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lazy girls, recognizing top talent

“Lazy girl jobs”: What if we’re thinking about it all wrong?

“Lazy girl” team members might actually be your highest performers.

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diversity hiring concept with hand selecting red triangle among pink squares, creative approach to diversity hiring visual representation

How multi-cultural and diversity hiring can help close the skills gap

Challenge some long-established recruiting practices and think outside the box to reach the talent you…

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