A good onboarding experience can make all the difference to how new hires feel, even before their first day at work. 

That’s true whether they’re joining a company remotely, adopting hybrid working practices, or are based in the same office as their new manager and team.

The first day at any new job comes with its anxieties. There are new people to meet, systems to follow, and so much to learn. For HR professionals who need to share information with their new hires and make them feel welcome wherever they’re based, email is an invaluable tool.

From the first hello before a new hire’s start date to guiding them through the tricky first weeks when they’re most vulnerable to churn, emails help you stay connected to your new joiners. 

To help navigate the how and what of onboarding, we’ve put together this series of employee onboarding email templates to help save you time and give your new hires a warm welcome wherever they’re based.


Preboarding email 

The period between signing the contract and coming to work on day one is the time to get new joiners excited about the environment they’ll be part of and the team they’re joining. To get them pumped up, we recommend sending an email a week before the start date with some information about any formalities plus some valuable nuggets about culture.

We recommend keeping the tone light and easy to help your new hires feel comfortable. Check out this example, and feel free to edit it depending on whether your new joiner is coming into the office or checking in remotely:

Subject line: It’s almost day one!

[first name], can you believe it? This time next week, you’ll have your [company name] water bottle in-hand. We can’t wait!

Some things to know ahead of your first day:

  • Your desk is [wherever the desk is]. When you get to the office, give your manager, [manager’s name], a ring. They’ll help you get settled in.
  • When choosing your outfit, don’t be stressed! Our dress code is “whatever makes you feel comfortable”—but shirts and shoes are a must.
  • To finish up the final bits of paperwork, please bring your Social Security card and birth certificate (just this once).
  • No need to worry about lunch! Your team has something special planned. If you have any dietary restrictions/preferences, please share them with me.

If you have any questions before you start, feel free to email or call. We’re glad you’re here!


[first name]

This new employee onboarding email template will remind new joiners how excited you are to have them and hopefully relieve any anxieties they may have.

First-day email

You want your first-day email to help make your new hire fit in and feel at ease. Sent by the hiring manager to the department and C-suite, this introductory email helps teammates learn a bit about the new hire and make it easier for them to swing by their desk (if they’re at the office), ping them on a chat, or set up a quick video call to say hi.

We recommend keeping this email short and sweet and ending it with an action item, like an invitation to lunch or a happy hour. Take a look at this template:

Subject line: Team, meet [new hire]!

Today is [new hire]’s first day! They’ve joined us as [position name] on [manager]’s [team], and will be working closely with [teammate], [teammate], and [teammate].

[New hire] is from [location], and they love [thing they love]. [2-3 sentences here about hobbies and special abilities].

Want to get to know [new hire]? Come say hello at their desk, set up a video call, or join us for [lunch/happy hour/soccer match] at [time/place/videoconference software]!

[New hire], we’re glad you’re here!

This introduction email will reduce the awkwardness of being the new kid on the block and will hopefully encourage new teammates to introduce themselves and explore similarities with the new hire.

Remote onboarding email template

Sending a welcome email helps new hires to feel like a part of the team—even from afar. Remote onboarding gives them a feel for the company culture, lets them know you’re looking forward to welcoming them, and hopefully eases any fears they may have about their first day with you in just a few words.

We recommend including any practical information they’ll need to kick off their first day and ending the message with an action item, like an invitation to a first meeting so everyone can introduce themselves. Try using this template:

Subject line: [New hire], hi—and welcome to [company name]!

Hi, [New hire]!

We’re all really excited to welcome you to our team!

Hopefully, you’ve received all your documentation—and your shiny new laptop. We’ve preloaded it with all the software you’ll need to get up and running.

<Add further information>

We’d like to say hello, welcome you onboard, and introduce you to everyone, so please join us on [date] at [time] for a quick, informal [Zoom/Teams link] call.

See you on [date],


[Your name]

Wherever in the world your new hire is based, using this remote onboarding email template gives them all the information they need for their first days and lets them know that you’re looking forward to welcoming them into the company.

30-day check-in email

Especially for fully remote or hybrid organizations, it can be easy to lose track of new hires after their first week or two. Setting a reminder to check in with them on day 30 will help them feel like someone from HR is looking out for them and will give you some insight into how they’re settling in.

We recommend keeping this email to the point and ending it with a call to action, like scheduling a call or lunch. To get started, you can use this 30-day check-in email template:

Subject line: [New hire], how’s it going?

Hi, [new hire!]

Can you believe you’ve already been with us for a month?

I’d love to check in with you to see how it’s going and how I can support you. Are you feeling settled in?

Let’s set up a time to meet this week—a call, lunch, or whatever you’re comfortable with.

Can’t wait to see you!


[Your name]This 30-day check-in email template will hopefully remind your new team member that you’re around and want to work with them to help them grow and develop.

Employee onboarding feedback email

Keeping the conversation going with your new hires is a great way to create engagement. It’s also an effective way to get honest feedback on how good your onboarding process is.

We recommend asking your new hires if your onboarding process has helped them feel welcome by using this template:

Subject line: Hi, [New hire!]—we’d love to hear your feedback!

Hi, [New hire]!

It’s hard to believe that you’ve already been with us for two months. Thank you for all your hard work so far. 

I’m just dropping you a quick line to ask a couple of questions and to see how it’s all going.

  1. When you think about your first day with us, was there anything we missed that would have made joining the company easier for you?
  1. Now that you’ve been here for a couple of months, how do you think things have gone so far? 

Please answer honestly—and if there’s anything you think we could do better—or that’s been niggling away at you, let us know. 


[Your name]
This employee onboarding email template helps you ask for feedback on your onboarding. It’s an invaluable part of the process because it reveals what you’re doing well and what, if anything, you could improve.

90-day check-in email

After three months with your company, your new hires should hopefully be feeling well settled in. Sending them a 90-day check-in email will help them know that their journey matters, that you’re thinking of them, and that you want to ensure everything’s going smoothly.

We recommend keeping this email to the point and ending it with a call to action, like scheduling a call or lunch. 

Subject: How are you, [new hire]?

Hi, [new hire],

It’s hard to believe it’s already been three months since you joined us. I wanted to check in and ask how things are going.

To make sure everything’s as it should be and that you’re settling in well, could you let me know: 

  • If you have any concerns with the role or your team
  • If you feel supported
  • If you feel able to contribute to your team
  • If you need any more clarity on your goals or responsibilities for the next six months

Let’s set up a time to meet this week and check in—a call, lunch, or whatever you’re comfortable with. It will be great to catch up.


[Your name]After three months with your company, getting in touch with your new hire to suggest catching up helps create strong lines of communication and deepens their engagement.

The importance of a new employee welcome email campaign

Sending new people a series of friendly and succinct emails to prepare them for their first day with you is a great way to make an excellent first impression. Using warm, conversational language in your communications rather than formal corporate messaging helps people feel at home in their new team.

Consider the timings of your emails. Sharing helpful and practical information a few days before people’s first day—and continuing to communicate over their first few weeks and months helps to create a positive experience and prevents churn. 

Opening helpful and encouraging emails also helps new hires feel engaged, motivated, and excited about their new job. And onboarding research shows that people who have a good experience in their first weeks and months are more engaged and productive and stay with their new company for longer.

Sending pre-boarding, onboarding, and internal communications doesn’t have to take much time out of your day. By following the format of these employee onboarding email templates and personalizing the content where needed, you can help your new people hit the ground running—wherever their new role is based.

Tali Sachs

From Tali Sachs

Tali is the senior content manager specializing in thought leadership at HiBob. She's been writing stories since before she knew what to do with a pen and paper. When she's not writing, she's reading sci-fi, snuggling with her cats, or singing and writing songs.