Partner Overview

Connect HiBob to over 1000+ apps!

Workato combines a low code/no code, enterprise-grade workflow automation platform with the ease of use we expect from consumer apps, enabling business users and IT to quickly build workflow automations.

Workato is the leading Integration and Automation Platform. Recognized as a leader, Workato is the only enterprise platform that enables both business and IT to integrate their apps, automate business workflows, and drive real time outcomes from business events, without compromising security and governance. Workato is trusted by over 7,000 of the world’s top brands and fastest growing innovators.


Key Features:

  • Citizen integrators: Workato is the only integration platform that was built from the ground up to support a single design interface for developer/IT and citizen integrators. This ensures that citizen integrators have access to the same power and capability available to IT.
  • Conversational integration: Workato provides a chat-based, (Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.) bot-building platform for implementing compelling UX, centered around integrations and workflows.
  • IT Governance: Workato Aegis is a management tool that provides cross-enterprise visibility into users/ usage, integration processes, and the applications they connect. The tool also supports assigning differing levels of responsibility and visibility within the platform, and it enables collaboration between business and IT users.
  • Extensible platform: Workato’s platform is extensible, allowing it to support new applications beyond the many that are available pre-built. In addition, the platform offers a powerful and configurable REST data connector, allowing for integration with many systems without writing any code.



Workato unites data, process, & people by integrating HiBob with thousands of other apps without code. Customize your HiBob integration, so action is easily taken (often automatically) following specific trigger events.


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