Resource Center

bob+CIPD, ACE+HR+Digital+Transformation+visual+with+a+smiling+woman+stripes+on+pink+background+and+digital+icons

Why tech adoption is the key to acing HR digital transformation

Strategic HR tech adoption boosts the business, and it’s up to HR pros to get it right. Here’s why tech adoption is key to acing HR digital transformation.

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bob+CIPD+graphic, man+using+laptop+with+charts+and+icons+on+red+background

Tech-savvy HR pros: Boosting HR's reputation through expertise in tech

New CIPD research with HiBob illustrates the close relationship between people tech and improving efficiency…

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boost morale with flexible travel expense policies, bob navan logos on a vibrant red background

How travel expense policies can skyrocket employee satisfaction

Revamping travel and expense policies might seem daunting, but the benefits are undeniable.

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using-hr-tech-to-boost-business, man-holding-tablet-illustrated-graphics-representing-hr-technology

How HR tech’s people data boosts business performance

CIPD and HiBob research shows how HR pros use tech, data, and automation to boost…

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sociopolitics-in-uk-workplace, illustration-people-signs-palm-trees

Sociopolitics in the UK workplace

To navigate the complex and evolving cultural and political landscape, employers require assistance. In January…

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bob+CIPD+graphic, woman+tablet+data+icons+pink+background

Modern HR functions: leveraging HR tech and people data

CIPD and HiBob research shows how HR tech and people improve modern HR functions.

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bob x Oyster logo on a vibrant red background, emphasizing collaboration and branding., branding, collaboration

Utilising Workforce Planning in turbulent times

Experts from HiBob, and Oyster will discuss how leveraging your tech stack can help you…

top hr dashboards, hr analytics visual design

HR dashboard examples

An HR dashboard is a tool used by Human Resources teams to visualize, track, analyze,…

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hands, colorful-shapes

From ey to ze: The HR guide to gender pronouns

For the modern HR leader, understanding the nuances and the importance of correct pronoun usage…

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build hr roadmaps for c-suite buy-in, engaged professionals collaborating over a laptop with colorful chat icons

A CHRO’s first 90 days: HR roadmaps that get C-level buy-in

The HR roadmap you build at the beginning of your tenure as a CHRO is…

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Do more with less: Optimize workforce planning with powerful HR tech - Do-more-with-less_-Optimize-workforce-planning-with-powerful-HR-tech_Webinar_LP_banner-4.png

Do more with less: Optimize workforce planning with powerful HR tech

Learn from experts how to make data-driven talent decisions and improve processes.

women collaborating, Anyfin logo on laptops in modern office setting

How Anyfin’s CPO strategically prepares for future growth with Bob

Having used an enterprise-level system in a previous role, Anyfin’s Chief People Officer (CPO) sought…

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sociopolitics-in-us-workplace, illustration-of-people-holding-signs-on-islands-with-palms

Sociopolitics in the US workplace

To navigate the complex and evolving cultural and political landscape, employers require assistance. In January…

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4 ways to create great company cultures with colorful building blocks and a smiling person in a playful setting, creative company culture visual

How to build, nurture, and grow a company culture

Take a step back, confront the status quo, and ask yourself, "How can I directly…

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pay equity audit template with diverse professional, vibrant graphics on maroon background, ensuring fair compensation for all workers

Ensuring fair compensation: pay equity audit template

With these tools, you can easily navigate the pay equity audit process and ensure your…

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HR job descriptions and checklist discussion in a bright, modern workspace with engaged professionals., Engaging HR meeting, vibrant workspace setting.

Recruit the best HR professionals: HR job description templates

Enjoy a series of detailed HR job description samples for key HR roles, a step-by-step…

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